CDPA Events
Welcome to the CDPA’s Event Page! Scroll below for upcoming and past events, and click on each event for more details. We hope you’ll join us at future events!
CDPA annual holiday party!
Saturday, December 16th, 2023
Albany Medical College
We invite you and your family/partners to join our potluck party on Saturday, December 16th 4 - 7PM at Albany Medical College (see flyer for details and directions). If you can, please bring a dish you'd like to share, but CDPA will provide snacks, drinks and pizzas as well. We'll have board games and music, so come and enjoy the end of the year with fellow scientists, meet new people, and celebrate CDPA's achievements!

CDPA postdoc symposium
Our 2023 postdoc symposium is around the corner! Joiun us to see our great talks and to learn about the science being made in our capital city!

Apple picking at the Indian Ladder farms!
Our next social event will be apple picking at the Indian Ladder farms on October 15th at 10 am. Feel free to bring your whole family, apple picking is a great activity for kids, adults and even scientists. You can also visit a mini animal farm and a farmers market filled with local goodies (their fresh cider doughnuts are amazing!). If apple picking is not for you, we can meet at the brewery (also on the farm) at 11-11:30am. Indian ladder farms is located next to Thatcher Park and we should be able to enjoy the peak of fall foliage. We will also organize a carpool to the farm via CDPA slack channel/email, please reach out if you would like to carpool or have space in your vehicle.
You can check out the prices and other information about ‘Pick your own’ apples at Indian Ladders farms here: https://www.indianladderfarms.com/pick-your-own/
What a beautiful day for apple picking!

2022 CDPA Research Symposium
Join us for the 2022 CDPA Research Symposium! Details can by found by clicking here: 2022 Research Symposium

Thatcher State Park picnic
Join us for a relaxing picnic outdoors at the beautiful Thatcher State Park!

LinkedIn Professional Development Workshop
Join us for a workshop with Dr. Nisha Cavanaugh on how to make a LinkedIn profile work for you!

2022 Albany Tulip Festival meetup
Join us for a CDPA meet up at the 2022 Albany Tulip Festival!